Ho-ka-hey, is a phrase the Lakota warriors would utter before battle, meaning 'It's a good day to die.'
Not meant as some grim goth kid lament on misery, but instead an urgent call to grab the world by the throat and pummel it stupid all day long while you still can. It's always later than you think.
But the hog is really out of the tunnel now, eh? And as I sit here still on the transition from denial to anger it's the
suicide that baffles the most. At least you kicked your own ass.
'Real Hunter S. Thompson Killed to Death by Legendary Hunter S. Thompson.' Or maybe vice versa.
But I am sure you had a damn good reason after stomping the Terra here as long as you did, leaving the world a better place, if not a little more empty as of today.
And I bet the note is one hell of a read.
Gratitude and blame are really not opposites. So I thank and blame you Doctor Hunter Stockton Thompson for the directions. But in the end the credo was more Do It Your Own Way than anything else and for that the Angels will at least show mercy. Dunno about the Lord.
Like the countless number of others I was sucked in at an early age and soon began my own savage journey. The low rent, journalism trade fit only for newsjunkie swine, the ears for fast, weird living, and I suppose therein lies the blame.
Nevertheless you were the King Of Fun, a product so rare only the Great American Experiment could spawn.
The old adage, or T-shirt slogan, so fittingly applies - that Heaven won't take you and Hell's afraid you'll take over.
I only hope your ghost finds rest beyond, yet can linger enough to haunt me now and again. It already is.
You showed us that it can be done. Piss on the crybabys with berets and broken pencils at the coffee shop and the slaves to scenester stoogeville. We are the warriors of freedom and individuality.
So I raise this glass to us boys from the dark, bloody ground of Kentucky who Done It Our Way.
Rage. Rage against the dying of the light. Do not go quietly into that Good Night
Reverend DK